Naturopathy in Tavira

The Specialty
Recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), Naturopathy is a Medicine that takes into account all aspects of the person and seeks to act not on the symptom, but on the cause.
Being mainly a preventive medicine, Naturopathy aims to maintain and/or restore health by natural means.
The naturopath seeks to restore each individual's self-healing abilities and his approach is to build on strengths to counteract weaknesses.
For this, we will establish an assessment of vitality, which is not a diagnosis, but which aims, by various means, to measure the level of vitality, to estimate overloads and deficiencies to stimulate and strengthen these capacities.
This objective is based mainly on healthy eating.
The naturopath has a dual mission:
as a therapist, which allows the person to regain health;
as a health educator, for which he gives advice on vital hygiene, with the aim that the person maintains health in the long term.
The naturopath should not create dependency on his patients, but, on the contrary, guide them on the path to health, making them actors in their own health, independently.
The principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is based on 4 fundamental pillars which are as follows:
Primum non nocere - First do not harm.
Hippocrates thus stressed it "In the face of disease, you must have two things in mind: to do good, or at least not to do evil".
Our role is to observe and support symptoms that are often a sign that the healing process is underway.
Removing the symptoms can do more harm than good. We speak of "morbid transference": the cause is still there, we have reduced its expression to silence, but it will return to another organ, usually amplified.
For example, treating a skin problem, just for visible symptoms, and ignoring the root of the problem, can lead, in the long run, to a bigger problem in another organ that will be overloaded.
"Evil" no longer manifests itself through the skin, but another way out will be created.
Vis medicatix naturae - A Natureza tem seu próprio poder de cura.
A healthy human body has a self-healing ability that allows it to regain health on its own.
At the heart of the living organism are the vital forces to achieve this.
Our role is to facilitate access to these forces by discovering and removing obstacles that are in the way.
Tolle causam - Descubra e trate a causa.
Going even further, Hippocrates said, "Look for the cause and treat it, find the cause of the cause and treat it, find the cause of the cause and treat it."
Our role, therefore, is not to try to act on the symptom, but to return to the cause of the pathology and act on it, to restore the natural balance and ensure that the symptom no longer exists and has no more reason to express itself.
Docere - Ensinar.
The patient learns the rules of how his body works and how to take care of him in a natural way.
The rules of vital hygiene concern all areas of life and consider the interactions that exist between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Each plan must be taken into account to regain and maintain perfect health.
Supporting these 4 pillars, I have several techniques that I use in synergy, always as part of a treatment, but not necessarily exhaustively.
The three main and fundamental techniques are nutrition and diet, physical exercise and mental management / control. A consultation should include recommendations in these 3 areas.
The benefits of Naturopathy
There are no clinical trials with results that demonstrate the effectiveness of Naturopathy as an integrated system but several techniques and approaches used have been the subject of clinical trials (Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Gemotherapy, Colon Hydrotherapy, Fasting, etc.).
However, Phytotherapy remains the discipline that, in Naturotherapy, has been the subject of a greater number of scientific studies.
In 2003, a review of systematic reviews of clinical trials of complementary therapies revealed that, of the 34 reviews reviewed, 20 were related to the use of medicinal plants.
I use various therapies (thanks to my training) to treat as Homeopathy, Organotherapy, Oligotherapy, Gemotherapy, Phytotherapy, among others, depending on each pathology and each person I use the method that is most appropriate.
Lose weight
The Naturopath will do an assessment of the individual. Depending on the profile that appears, he will propose measures that are fully adapted to facilitate weight loss.
Comprehensive care (food, physical ...) will allow the individual to adopt a new lifestyle favorable to the elimination of fats. This is what I call individualized food regulation.
Strengthens the Immune System and fights against allergies
Often, allergies are due to a dysfunction of the immune system. However, we can thoroughly correct disorders related to the immune system. Dietary and nutritional measures and the use of certain natural remedies will help to improve allergies, strengthening the individual's immune system.
Fight against Osteoarthritis and Arthrosis
The development of the Osteoarthritis process is closely associated with an individual's lifestyle. In addition, some herbs like Devil's Fingers and Ginger reduce the pain and symptoms of Osteoarthritis.
More generally, a change in diet can reduce inflammation and improve the quality of life for people with osteoarthritis and arthritis.
Personally, I use food regulation, Organotherapy and Oligotherapy where patient results are very positive.
Chronic Otorhinolaryngology Problem
Many children suffer repeatedly from Rhinopharyngitis, Otitis, Rhinitis, etc ... By adjusting their diet, removing aggravating factors, it is possible to return quality of life, and quality of health to the child.
The work of the naturopath
A Naturopathy consultation is like a consultation in a traditional clinic. However, I will probably ask you more questions about your general health, your lifestyle, your eating habits and even your stress level at work ...
In fact, I will try to find the root of your discomfort before I intervene. For example, a recurring headache will not be treated, a priori, with pain relievers. Before offering a treatment, I will ask myself where the headache comes from: a musculoskeletal disorder, a nutritional problem (low sugar, for example), lack of sleep, excessive stress ... And, of course, the treatments offered will be in accordance with the naturopathic approach.
The first consultation usually lasts from one hour to an hour and a half. The following visits last from 30 to 40 minutes.
Contraindications of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is a medicine indicated for all people, regardless of age or physical condition. In fact, the earlier the prevention is made, the sooner the disorders are treated after they manifest, the greater the chances of restoring health.
Ideally, Naturopathy should be practiced from an early age, when acute pathologies appear and when the vital force is at its maximum.
Even though they are natural, the means offered by naturopathy are no less effective and effective. Therefore, there are contraindications that depend entirely on the individual's profile. For example, for pregnant women, there are many essential oils that are not recommended. It is the same for people with fragile intestines, children, babies.
Naturopathy, treatment and prevention
Naturopathy has a curative dimension, but also and above all preventive. In the sense of true prevention, one that aims to maintain an excellent state of health by all means that Nature puts at your disposal. By learning early to live according to the immutable laws of Life, we avoid creating imbalances that lead to disease.
That is why Naturopathy is a global discipline, because eating well is not enough and it makes no sense if, in addition, you are sedentary and stressed, if you are unhappy in love or overworked... Naturopath, therefore, does not it limits you to some standardized advice in a given field, but it takes into account all aspects that make up your life: you in your environment.
Even if the scale of the changes to be implemented seems immense to be achieved, it is necessary to have Naturopata as a guide that will accompany you in a life more in tune with your deep needs, which involves an immediate disorder or small changes in the long term.
Your therapist listens to your needs, your means (not just financial), your pace and adapts to them so that the advice you receive is in line with them.
Your Naturopathy consultation is a unique moment because you are unique.
"If you're sick, look first for what you did to be."
"May your food be your only medicine"
"When someone wants to be healthy, we have to ask him if he is willing to eliminate the causes of his illness.
Only then will it be possible to help him. "
"We are what we eat."
Jane Goddall